A large number of chemicals are used for industrial and other applications. Pipes and hoses are the easiest and safest way to transport the chemicals from one place to another. Hoses are used for applications where flexibility is required, the hose can be easily moved in any direction while pipes are more rigid. Many of these chemicals are extremely corrosive reacting chemically with many of the hose materials like steel or rubber, so conventional metal or rubber hose cannot be used. In these cases, depending on the chemical which is being used, a chemical hose pipe has to be selected. Some tips for choosing the right chemical hose are provided below.
Most of the chemical hose manufacturers will specify the chemicals for which the hose pipe has been designed for. The chemicals can be broadly classified as acidic and alkaline based on their chemical composition and chemical properties. Many of the hoses are made from different grades of plastic, though in some cases, composite material, rubber blends and other materials are used. The hoses are formulated after extensive research, and tested for longer periods of time to ensure that they do not degrade. In case of extremely corrosive chemicals like acids in higher concentrations, additional instructions for handling the hose may be provided.

Like all hoses and pipes, the nominal size of the hose is the main parameter for the hose, indicating the amount of liquid chemical the pipe will transport. The thickness of the hose should also be considered for extremely corrosive chemicals. The hose is designed to withstand a specific liquid pressure, and this should be considered while using it. Since it is manufactured in smaller quantity after extensive research, the chemical hose is far more expensive compared to conventional hose pipes. Hence it is advisable to correctly estimate the hose length required and place the order for the hose.…
Sat Mar 13 , 2021
<p>A large number of chemicals are used for industrial and other applications. Pipes and hoses are the easiest and safest way to transport the chemicals from one place to another. Hoses are used for applications where flexibility is required, the hose can be easily moved in any direction while pipes are more rigid. Many of these chemicals are extremely corrosive reacting chemically with many of the hose materials like steel or rubber, so conventional metal or rubber hose cannot be used. In these cases, depending on the chemical which is being used, a <a href="https://www.plascorp.com.au/products/composite-hose/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">chemical hose pipe</a> has to be selected. Some tips for choosing the right chemical hose are provided below.</p>
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<p>Most of the chemical hose manufacturers will specify the chemicals for which the hose pipe has been designed for. The chemicals can be broadly classified as acidic and alkaline based on their chemical composition and chemical properties. Many of the hoses are made from different grades of plastic, though in some cases, composite material, rubber blends and other materials are used. The hoses are formulated after extensive research, and tested for longer periods of time to ensure that they do not degrade. In case of extremely corrosive chemicals like acids in higher concentrations, additional instructions for handling the hose may be provided.</p>
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<p><img class="aligncenter wp-image-139 size-full" src="http://www.musicinsight.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/chemical-hose-pipe-1-1.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="500" srcset="http://www.musicinsight.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/chemical-hose-pipe-1-1.jpg 500w, http://www.musicinsight.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/chemical-hose-pipe-1-1-150x150.jpg 150w, http://www.musicinsight.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/chemical-hose-pipe-1-1-300x300.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" /></p>
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<p>Like all hoses and pipes, the nominal size of the hose is the main parameter for the hose, indicating the amount of liquid chemical the pipe will transport. The thickness of the hose should also be considered for extremely corrosive chemicals. The hose is designed to withstand a specific liquid pressure, and this should be considered while using it. Since it is manufactured in smaller quantity after extensive research, the chemical hose is far more expensive compared to conventional hose pipes. Hence it is advisable to correctly estimate the hose length required and place the order for the hose.…</p>